Faith is what you don't see
By Apostle Cathryn Ndyabagye

Is your ministry about things you see?
Do you lack miracles and needs in your life?
Is money your only source and need?
Do you just not see the miracles you want to?

Try living by what you don't see.
Try faith in Jesus. Then you will see the
manifestations and miracles of God happen
in your life. It's only through faith that
you can see real miracles happen.

... If it's money you are after or supporters,
then the gospel and souls are not your thing.

If it's faith in Jesus and the power of God's
word is the utmost importance of your life,
you will not need to lean on anything you see.
You will totally trust in God.

God has a supernatural power and presence
that no man has. He knows how to heal any
sickness and can cleanse your life.

He can deliver you from the spirit of depression.
He can even give you financial blessing.

Are you ready to start believing in Him and his promises in the Bible?

Nothing is too hard for God. Trust Him,
He won't let you down!

Hebrews 11:1 says, Faith is the substance of
things hoped for and the evidence of things
not seen.

Hebrews 11:6 Without faith it's impossible to
please God!

In Jeremiah a title deed is repeatedly spoken
of as “the evidence.” Your deed is “the
evidence” or proof that you own your home.
Faith is the title deed to what you have not
yet seen. When you have which you have not
yet seen, you already have a home before you
see it. Jesus repeatedly said, “He that
believeth, hath.” (this paragraph is quoted by
F.F. Bosworth)


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